


○山下 由貴1、京谷 大毅1、本多 達也2、高野 憲一2、田村 俊史康3、水谷 多恵子4、岡野 由利4

Yuki Yamashita1, Daiki Kyotani1, Tatsuya Honda2, Kenichi Takano2, Toshiyasu Tamura3Taeko Mizutani4 and Yuri Okano, Ph.D.4


1NIKKOL GROUP, Nikoderm Research Inc., 2DRC Co., Ltd, 3TES Holdings Co., Ltd.,

4School of Bioscience and Biotechnology Tokyo University of Technology


 皮膚の保湿は皮膚を正常な状態に保つための重要な要素である。皮膚の状態の評価に用いられる一般的なパラメータとしては、皮膚表面水分量 (SWC) や経表皮水分蒸散量 (TEWL) がある。また、近年、テープストリップで採取した角層の解析 (細胞面積、多重剥離度 1)、カルボニル化タンパク (CP) レベル 2)SH基率) も非侵襲的に皮膚の状態を計測できる方法として報告されているが、これらのパラメータと皮膚の保湿性の関係についてはほとんど報告がない。そこで、本研究ではこれら因子間の相関、およびSWC/TEWL比の皮膚状態を示すパラメータとしての可能性について検討した。




How should we evaluate skin conditions?


Applicability of the capacitance/TEWL ratio as a new parameter



Skin dryness is one of the common skin problems that most people suffer from. The basic benefit of skin care cosmetics is to moisturize the skin, and those effects are evaluated by measuring water content at the skin surface (SWC) and trans-epidermal water loss (TEWL). On the other hand, recent studies have proposed that parameters derived from corneocytes collected by the tape-stripping method accurately reflect skin conditions. However, there have been few reports that discuss the relationships between parameters derived from corneocytes and skin moisture related parameters. We conducted the skin measurement of 82 volunteers to systematically characterize these relationships and to determine the characteristic skin conditions grouped by the balance of SWC and TEWL.

The statistical analysis of measured parameters showed that the SWC/TEWL ratio had significant correlation with skin color, parameters derived from corneocytes and complexion measurement. Volunteers were classified into 4 groups by their median values of capacitance and TEWL and we analyzed differences of the distribution in each group according to each parameter. The distributions in the groups revealed significant differences that indicate that the SWC/TEWL ratio is a useful parameter to discuss skin moisture conditions.